Loneliness affects men of all ages, even ones who’ve been in stable marriages for years. They may lack something in their relationship and it’s not always sex. Some hire an escort because they just want physical touch and sex but some want more of a “girlfriend experience”: going on on a traditional date with an attractive woman, meeting for drinks or dinner. Getting to know one another over talking, imbibing, confessing, laughing and connecting over a shared experience. In my experience, first dates are where you spend time getting to know one another, that’s where real intimacy happens.
While I don’t have sex on my dates, I do want to my patrons to have juicy sex lives and real intimate relationships with others, which is why I also offer dating coaching for singles. One of the other benefits of being on a date in public with an attractive woman, others look at the two of us and assume you’re with your girlfriend or wife (in which case most will assume you’re in a monogamous relationship.) At a party, mixer or singles club, this scenario can be to your benefit as it puts the other women in the room at ease seeing you’re “taken” and you won’t be aggressively hitting on them all night. The woman in that pseudo couple (that would be me, your Wingwoman Bond girl) flies out to other attractive females in the room and invites them over to make an introduction and have a drink with us. They won’t feel pressure or worry they might have overstepped a boundary with me as I was the one who made the introduction. I will tell her the honest truth— that we are just good friends and I’m happy to be a positive insider reference for you (women like to get the dirty details on the dude from the other woman. Think of it as a peer review to avoid disappointment or hurt before they open their heart to you.)
That all sounds great but why would I pay to go out with you when I could hire an escort and have sex?
I have no beef against sex workers (I was one for many years) and many offer what I offer with a real happy ending (euphemism for ‘orgasm’ in case you’re new here; ) If physical touch, sex or kink is what you really need, I encourage you to find a sex worker (tryst.link is a great resource for escorts, dominatrixes and erotic massage providers.) I think of myself as the platonic escort girlfriend experience, which is a bit of an oxymoron-- but think about the original definition of the word escort (Merriam-Webster defines it as : a man who goes with a woman to a social event; a woman or a man who is hired to go with someone to a social event.)
Melissa Joy is an escort (see above defintion.) She's also a dating coach and your secret agent wingwoman Bond girl for hire. You can wine and dine her in Portland and she offers fly-me-to-you packages and online dates.